Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chocolate Pretzel Rejection

       Our friendship was strong from the start- I had every intention to get closer and closer with you every day, and so I did. I had grown up knowing you from all of our family birthdays and holidays.You took my breath away at first bite, with your sweet, charming outside that gave the impression of being in heaven. You were a smothered chocolate goodness that will never be forgotten. Healer of the soul, calmer of the emotions, and relaxer of the mind. Do you remember when we were reunited at the Superbowl? I ran up to you before anyone could take you out of my reach for their egocentric selves. My heart leaps out of it's chest every time my mouth meets your delicious milk chocolate exterior, sending mass signals of joy straight through my bones. We have a bond, you and I. You have always been there to comfort me and satisfy my craving. But.  .  .
       Denial stricken. Despite your rich fullness, you enclosed a temperamental center. Subtly twisted, salty, full of carbs. It was obvious enough yet I was too drawn in to accept it. Deceitfully "perfect", you always had your consequences- you weren't as you were made out to be. You always reassured me using lies. "Eat me and you will feel great about yourself," is what you used to tell me. Easy enough to believe until the calories start adding on. As disappointing as you were, I could not escape your presence. You were all around me, beckoning towards me, whispering sweet nothings to my stomach which was only to growl in agony as a response. Time and time again I had relapses of needing you, wanting nothing until you were back in my arms.
       Unfortunately, we were slowly being separated, torn apart by Indoor Track. But once I had gotten know Track, life simplified. I had made friends with colorful and vivid fruits. Firm and bright vegetables. Tender and seasoned meats. Thinning glasses of natural and sweet water. My horizon had expanded to a furthermore width of variety and style. Who knew it would come so habitual to make intelligent decisions! I have discovered a new and profound dearness to these healthy friends. Friends who don't lie about what they will do for me. Friends who work their hardest to help me benefit. Supportive. Tasty. Truthful. 


  1. First off, I would just like to say that I LOVE chocolate covered pretzels..... Especially the white chocolate ones, although Rold Gold makes some pretty delicious peppermint snowflake pretzels.
    I thought that your piece was pretty comical and I loved how serious it sounded! I really enjoyed this post, so keep it up!!
    Do you think that track forcing you to change your diet will end up as a good or bad thing? After being stuck on one thing for so long and suddenly making a change to a new thing that is delicious as well as healthy, when the holidays roll around, do you think you will begin the cycle again? Or do you think you can balance both fruit and sweets?

  2. I really like the title of your blog! It flows together. I love chocolate pretzels as well! Every Christmas me and my mom make homemade dipped chocolate pretzels. We top it off with red & green sprinkles. :) Your blog was well written and put together. Isn't it funny how people have that "one" food that they later become addicted to?! It starts of with special occasions and ends up weekly or daily. Was it a new years resolution that you and chocolate covered separated? Or mainly track? ;) Did you find it easy or hard to write a break up letter?
